Speaker: Jay Dittman will speak on “The God Particle:
What Is It? Why does it matter?” Come and hear how he
was involved in this scientific discovery at the Large Hadron
Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, that has been making
waves in the field for the past 10 years.
Baylor’s Lifelong Learning is a group of intellectually curious adults, age 50 and better, who gather for lectures, classes, and trips during daytime hours. Through volunteer leadership and member participation, our goal is to encourage ideas and the pursuit of learning while respecting the diversity of thought. Please call the Baylor Mayborn Museum at 254-710-1110 ext. 2 for information, or email Lifelonglearning@baylor.edu.
The coffees are free and open to the public. You do not need to be a member of Lifelong Learning to attend.