About the Waco TPID
The Waco Tourism Public Improvement District (WTPID) is made up of hotel properties in the city limits of Waco with 75 or more hotel rooms. These properties pay a 2% assessment on their occupied rooms for the purpose of generating funds to market and promote Waco as a convention and tourism destination.
A Board of Directors, consisting of participating WTPID hoteliers, directs the use of all funds generated.
The Waco TPID Corporation contracts with the Waco Convention Center & Visitors Bureau to administer the district.
To learn more about the Waco TPID, please visit https://wacotpid.com.
StayInWaco Mobile App
Planning the perfect Stay in Waco just got much easier! We’re excited to unveil the Stay in Waco widget on our site with integrated mobile apps, an interactive way to map out everything you don’t want to miss in Waco. Designed with the team at Visit Widget, this tool provides a new way to explore the hotels our area has to offer along with popular restaurants, activities, itineraries, and more. View it all at once or search by categories like Hotels, Arts & Culture or Self-Guided Tours.
See an event you don’t want to miss? Click “Join” and the event will be added to your plan.
That Restaurant everyone keeps telling you about? Click “Add to Plan” and you won’t forget to try it.
Want to invite some friends? Share your plan with them directly or via social media, email or SMS.
No need to waste another sheet of paper – planning is now digital. With this planner, the Stay in Waco team can help you get organized and maximize your time!
Already on your way to Waco, or live here? Download the app for your iPhone or Android and take your plan with you!