(Literary) Rivals Pint Night
Friday, November 18th from 6-9pm
Baylor vs TCU. Potter vs Malfoy. Smeagol vs Gollum. Holmes vs Moriarty. Darcy vs Wickham. Peter Pan vs Hook. Jean Valjean vs Javier. Edward vs Jacob.
Do rivalries make the most epic stories? What is the greatest rivalry of all time? Just something to chat about over a pint and some Heny’s Fly Chicken for our (Literary) Rivals Pint Night on November 18th.
Enjoy our Pint Night specials featuring our *NEW* pint glasses (pictured here)and gear up for the rivalry football match coming to Waco the next day.
Pint Night specials include:
– $8 Pint Night Special: free Aesop pint glass with purchase of any pint
– 20% industry discount (Local beverage industry employees get 20% off all drinks ordered)
🤜Balcones Kessel – Sour-Berliner Weisse
🤜Balcones Belgian Single
🤜Brotherwell Bridge St. Wit
🤜Brotherwell Shelter in Haze