
Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat

Attractions and Museums

The “Patron Saint of all Baylordom,” the Bear has served as the Baylor Mascot since 1914 when students selected it over the Buffalo, Antelope, Frog, Ferret, and Bookworm.

The Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat exemplifies the dedication of Baylor University to its beloved Baylor Bear mascots. The bears’ environment features a waterfall, pools, caves, deadfall trees and digging areas. It is the most visited attraction on the Baylor campus.

The attraction features an educational cabana providing information about the North American Black Bear, and great photo opportunities with its star, “Lady” Judge Sue Sloan.

Contact the Waco TPID

Waco Tourism Public Improvement District Corporation

424 Clay Avenue, Suite 2343
Waco, TX 76706
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